Episode 21.5: Farweald Fallout ...

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Episode 21.5: Farweald Fallout ...

Post by EvilGenius »

This thread will detail the effects of last session on Farweald, the various NPCs, and the PCs.

First, the summary.

The Narrative Setup for the last adventure ended with Councilman Bern Haupt revealing himself as Hravja, the rakshasa, and offering the PCs the chance to join him. He also commanded that Onarra join him in fulfillment of her vows to the Master, and bring the Helm of Infinity (tied to the Book of Infinite Souls, recovered from Lord Eezamm in the City of Brass).

One by one the PCs refused Hravja, until it came to Onarra. She apologized to the PCs, then took the Helm out of her pack and walked over to give the artifact to Khrytos, one of The Master's top lieutenants, then she went to stand next to her twin.

After that a grand melee' broke out between the Servants of the Master and the PCs and their Farweald Confederates.

Key points in the battle included Onnara using Mayheine's Shelter to temporarily block in the Servants, then later dropping the Cube of Force and charging to Constable Tierney's rescue, Brigga successfully capturing Balisar in a Bead of Force, Quarion having the foresight to cast Beacon of Hope, which saved most of the party from being charmed by the succubus (Advantage on Wisdom saves FTW!), Bannock turning into some kind of Holy Wolf-hybrid to duke it out with Hravja, and Khrytos' weapon (a green crystal greatsword) was able to physically damage two different targets at the same time.

At the end of the combat, the PCs were victorious, though Hravja, the succubus, Khrytos and Balrakas fled the battle and escaped.
Last edited by EvilGenius on Sun Apr 07, 2019 4:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Episode 21.5: Farweald Fallout ...

Post by EvilGenius »

At the end of the battle, the PCs had driven off a few of their top level foes, but have recovered Miette, Balisar and Naziah. As the dragonborn are fleeing the field of battle, Miette, who had stood more or less motionless for the battle called out urgently to Onarra. "Onarra! You have to take this amulet off of me, quick!" The desperate urgency in Miette's voice spurred Onarra to action and she snatched the amulet off of her sister, dropping it to the ground. Almost simultaneously, the PCs see Balisar and Naziah stiffen and then fall lifeless to the ground as amulets that matched the one Onarra took off of Miette flashed with a white light then went dark. Though the instrument was different, you can't help but think this was very similar to how Gwendolyn Haupt and Leigha died when forced to wear the Helm of Infinity.

Once the amulet was removed from Miette, she was also free to move and collapsed in sobs. "They said if I moved or betrayed them or warned you that that ... thing, would devour my soul!" After a few moments, Miette wipes her eyes, overcoming her revulsion and terror. Miette looked around you at the burning town, somewhat in shock. "Oh Onarra, what do we do NOW?"

Akria and her newly revealed sister, Beltane, come over to Onarra and Miette. Akria crouches down next to the kneeling elves, resting a comforting hand on Miette's shoulder. "Rejoice that your sister was able to save you from this fate. Not all of us were so lucky." Beltane wipes an angry tear from her eye as she hefts JusticeSeeker. "Our sorrows must wait. We must see to the townsfolk! And these fires!"

Beltane turns to the PCs. "I know this battle was difficult, but if ever there was a time for the Fiery Friends of Farweald to prove their Friendship, it is now! Go, and help as many as you can, put out as many fires as you can. User whatever mighty magics are at your disposal. At the end of the day, I want there to still BE a town!"

Taking the Tritheronite's words to heart, the PCs spend the rest of the day helping Constable Tierney, his Deputies, the Hammerheart Twins the tieflings and others in first evacuating as many townfolk as possible, then putting out the fires raging throughout much of the town. It is then that you behold a truly wondrous sight. While working on a particularly large fire, you see a wobbly, ungainly and very young silver dragon accompanying Beltane. At Beltane's urging, the silver wyrmling takes to the air, then whooosh! A cone of freezing air smothers the fire completely! With a self satisfied, half roar, half growl, the wyrmling flies off to another fire, dousing it as well.

Beltane turns to you, noting your shock, and shrugs. "Quirinseyru concealed his egg with us here and it hatched a few years ago. This is probably the first time that Cyvos has been out flying in Farweald during the day." You all turn back to watch the little dragon flitting from building to building, putting out fires. "Come on, let's do our part, too", Beltane chides you.

At the end of the day, you are all bone tired, burned in multiple places and completely depleted of magical resources, but Farweald still stands. While the town is much the worse for wear, almost all of the population was saved, thanks to the heroic efforts of the tieflings, and the PCs (especially healing abilities) and while the fires did gut many buildings, the PCs and others, aided by Quirinseyru's son, Cyvos, were able to contain and put out the fires, preserving much more of the town than you would have thought was possible.
Last edited by EvilGenius on Sun Apr 07, 2019 4:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Episode 21.5: Farweald Fallout ...

Post by Jonkga »

OOC: Thanks all for shifting schedules and being able to make a Saturday session - the battle was much fun, and getting to play was certainly good for me. Hopefully you all had a good time as well.

Bannock will have made sure his weapons remained firmly sheathed and away while helping around town. And, he will have made every effort to ignore comments and bite his tongue, not rising to any provocations while assisting the town with elemental dispersal, fire-suppression, and general recovery.

At the end of the day, bone-tired, but satisfied with efforts, Bannock will say to the rest of the party:
"Folks, this town is in a precarious position. With Haupt, Lemend, and Watis, the town is without leadership at all. There are numerous factions at odds with each other. Perhaps if we lend a hand, we can help them establish a new leadership comprised of representatives of all the factions to help the town heal and move forward eventually.
At the very least, we can help organize the clearing of destroyed structures and the reallocation of abandoned structures to those left homeless.
If we can help heal this town, or at least help to begin that process, we will go a long way towards reversing the destruction of it, which seems so tied to our own pasts."
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Re: Episode 21.5: Farweald Fallout ...

Post by EvilGenius »

At the end of the Day of Fire, most of the population of Farweald has been put up in the non-damaged residences and businesses. Constable Tierney assumes temporary leadership of the town until a new council is chosen. Tierney also recommends that the PCs, accompanied by Akriah and Deputy Hania, take charge of examining The Grandwood, in case Hravja left any nasty surprises behind when he fled.

Before you return to the Grandwood, you cautiously collect the strange amulets from Balisar and Naziah, plus the one that Onarra took off of Miette. None of you are comfortable touching them, but you do examine them cautiously. All of the amulets are bronze and crimson enamel, roughly diamond shaped, with a large yellow stone in the center. There are magical glyphs and runes circling the central stone. The amulets taken from Balisar and Naziah have a large black spot in their yellow stone, and the stones look like they are damaged. The amulet taken from Miette has an intact stone, and there appears to be a small yellow light pulsing deep within the stone.

You also note that several magical items you know your former companions were carrying are apparently destroyed. You find the haft of Naziah's axe. It's head, made of enchanted ice, which he used to great effect on Bannock during the fight, is melted away now. Balisar's Wand of the War Mage, made of living elemental water, which you saw him use during the fight, is gone. Balisar's Wand of Secrets also lies inert, and you find a Sorcerer's Stone (one of the variant Pearls of Power that applied a metamagic effect to the recovered spell slot), that lies broken and lusterless.

Balisar does have two obviously magical items that you take for further study: an amulet and a ring. Naziah has a pair of magical bracers which have survived. You put them away for further study later.
Last edited by EvilGenius on Sat Apr 06, 2019 6:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Episode 21.5: Farweald Fallout ...

Post by EvilGenius »

After a short rest, the PCs, Akriah and Deputy Hania make their way back to the Grandwood. You can see the Grandwood from a distance, overlooking town, and so you can see that it is cheerfully lit as dusk falls. You are unsure of what that may mean, but decide the only way to find out is to continue on.

Soon enough, you enter the wagon yard of the former inn. Off to the side you see the cart that contains Gwendolyn and Leigha's bodies, lying preserved under Corellon's Shroud. Thankfully, the tarp is still in place over the cart and you are able to put off reuniting Akriah with 2 of her sisters. For now.

Otherwise, the wagon yard is empty. There is a sense of emptiness and stillness about the wagon yard and the Grandwood itself, and the inviting light spills out of doors left open when the place was abandoned. You cautiously enter, weapons at the ready, and call out, but no one answers. You all enter and begin to spread out, disturbed by the silence and utter lack of movement. Just as you are deciding that there is indeed no one there, the door to the rooms the PCs were using opens up and Alizar flies out of the room in djann form, humming to himself. You all jump at the sudden reveal of life in the building which causes Alizar to notice all of you and jump back in surprise.

"Oh! Great and wise Master Jareth, I apologize for startling you! I..." Alizar's blue skin turns pale as he notices Akriah and Deputy Hania and with a distressed cry the djann flies back into your rooms and slams the door. A moment later Alizar comes back into the hall, this time in human form. "Master, master, welcome! I apologize for startling you! I am not sure where everyone went, Master, but everyone appears to have abandoned this, uh ... passable ... structure. I DO think I saw something strange a little while ago, though. Something .... bluish ... and flying maybe. Handsome, I think, now that I think on it, but I do not know what manner of ghost or apparition it may be! Good thing you are here with your ... unannounced ... friends, Master so you can .... you know, search for the, uh, spirit! Why, I thin..."

Jareth cuts off any further explanations from the djann, "Alizar, stop! No one cares right now if you reveal your true form! We have more important things to think about! You say the place is empty? Where did all of the servants go? Did Bern Haupt come back?" Alizar looks frozen for a moment, then visibly relaxes and regains his true form. "Master, all of the servants fled when things below started exploding into flames. I do not know if they assumed this building would also burst into flames or if maybe they were attracted to the fire, like moths, but they all fled at that time. Master Haupt has not returned, Master. I hope you don't mind, but I DID take it upon myself to tidy up a bit and to light the lamps in advance of nightfall."

The PCs search the rest of the Grandwood and it is indeed empty. The only interesting thing you find is a secret door in Bern Haupt's room that opens to a narrow staircase leading down into the building's basement. The scent of dead flesh greets you when you open the door.
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Re: Episode 21.5: Farweald Fallout ...

Post by Fen's Ego »

Onarra says "Well, if the real Bern Haupt draws breath, this passage seems to be our best lead. And if this is where Hravja makes his grand entrance, all the more reason to see this through. However, we are all exhausted and magically depleted. Should we decide this is our next course of action, we need to sleep, set a watch around this door and this house, and reconvene in the dawn. And we need to talk to Akriah about our role in her sister's deaths. She deserves to mourn and vent her anger."

"As for my role in the last battle, I am sorry. I won't minimize my betrayal, or use it's conclusion to excuse it. Just know that without a knife to my sister's throat, my loyalties are no longer divided."

If we opt to rest at this juncture, Onarra and Miette will take Lil Buddy just outside Farweald to make a restful camp for the night.
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Re: Episode 21.5: Farweald Fallout ...

Post by EvilGenius »

Fen's Ego wrote:Onarra says "Well, if the real Bern Haupt draws breath, this passage seems to be our best lead. And if this is where Hravja makes his grand entrance, all the more reason to see this through. However, we are all exhausted and magically depleted. Should we decide this is our next course of action, we need to sleep, set a watch around this door and this house, and reconvene in the dawn. And we need to talk to Akriah about our role in her sister's deaths. She deserves to mourn and vent her anger."

"As for my role in the last battle, I am sorry. I won't minimize my betrayal, or use it's conclusion to excuse it. Just know that without a knife to my sister's throat, my loyalties are no longer divided."

If we opt to rest at this juncture, Onarra and Miette will take Lil Buddy just outside Farweald to make a restful camp for the night.
In the interest of moving things along, you guys rest and then descend through the secret door. The stairs are fairly wide, a good 10', and made of wood, until they get to floor level. Then you open a heavy stone trap door and continue down well made stone steps. The scent of death is stronger now, but old. What you find is horrifying.

There is a small to medium sized dungeon complex in the hill below the Grandwood. It is relatively old, probably a few hundred years, so it predates the Greyhawk Wars and the town throwing its allegiance to Iuz. In fact, as you examine the complex you suspect it is the REASON that Farweald pledged itself to Iuz in the first place.

The entire complex is decorated with scenes of fiends tormenting mortals, and the just entering the complex makes you feel paranoid and fearful. On the upper level, you find a few mundane storage rooms holding torture implements, robes and both religious and arcane paraphernalia. There is also a worship hall which you estimate could hold upwards of 50 people in front of a sacrificial altar, all overlooked by a detailed stone statue of Iuz in his fiendish form. The altar and statue are all caked in what looks like old blood and gore. Next to the worship hall is a smaller room with a summoning circle and a permanent teleportation circle, both carved into the stone floor.

You find another staircase leading lower into the complex, which is apparently where the stench of death is the strongest. On the lower level you find a row of cells, all empty, and several oubliettes with dead and decomposing humans and demihumans. You also find a lavishly appointed office with beautiful wooden furniture, several low bookshelves filled with books, and several locked chests. There is also a small weapons rack holding a familiar rapier (Meitte's rapier) and one additional rapier with an elaborate, swept hilt made of mithril above a gem encrusted leather scabbard.

Miette and Onarra quickly open the locked chests and you find 10,000 pp, 25,000 gp, 10,000 sp and quite a few gemstones of various types and quality.

Perusing the books on the bookshelf you find many historical treatises on various places in the Flanaess, several spellbooks and several journals (which I will describe in more detail soon). On the desk you find a beautiful ring with a large blue stone which is glowing softly.
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Re: Episode 21.5: Farweald Fallout ...

Post by Jonkga »

Bannock is good and horrified at the complex beneath the Grandwood. Once it is fully explored, and the party has once again climbed the stairs out of it, Bannock will gather the party for a discussion:

"Friends, this is quite the revelation. That summoning circle and teleportation gate worry me. Does anyone know how we might be able to destroy them, or at the very least sever their connections so they can no longer be used by others? That seems a priority at the moment.

We should also think about setting up a plan to remove all the furniture, books, chests, weapons, etc. from that horrible level. We should also think about a long-term plan for the grandwood. My immediate thoughts include leveling the structure (gifting the materials to anyone who needs them in the town), and the destruction of the complex beneath (perhaps also flooding it with water redirected from the river), but mayhap you all have better ideas?

While we have been putting out literal fires and helping the town survive the destruction of the battle, I have had a few additional thoughts, in no particular order:
We probably need to proceed with as much transparency as possible with regards to the folks remaining in town.
Perhaps we should arrange for spears/staves to be crafted for the able-bodied men and women in town so they aren't weilding tools and crafting implements next time the town is beset. Establish and actual militia, maybe.
Perhaps we should arrange for water barrels to be positioned around the town, maybe at intersections, in case of future fires.
There seems to be a lack of healing in town. Perhaps setting someone up as a healer, providing for a cache of salves, potions, etc. in case of future need.
There should be organization of clearing the destroyed or unoccupied sturctures and providing new homes for those in need.
This town needs leadership - a new council. And, it should have representation from all parties, tiefling, good townsfolks, bad townsfolks who want to stay and reform their ways/beliefs, etc. Constable Tierny and his deputies Hania, Dunaric, and Archibald; Tieflings Akriah and Beltane; Townsfolk Amreas (elven smith), Illorg (dwarven carpenter), the Hammerheart twins, possibly their father (if he softens his beliefs), etc.
In my opinion, this town needs religion - there are statues that should be cleared and tended, maybe adding plaques, etc.
This town also lacks magic, and some low-level use should be encouraged so that it becomes more accepted over time - at least so they are prepared for future evils.
Perhaps the town could even use a store of dispell magic scrolls? Given to the constable, maybe. Just in case?
That Dragon that showed itself is in great danger. It should be the responsibility of the new town to protect that creature.
The Master and his most powerful servants (Khrytos, Balrakas) are still out there. When we can we need to figure out exactly how we are going to proceed and deal with what we have inadvertantly brought about in this region.
Eventually those we sent away to bring aid will return, and the town will have reinforcements.
Perhaps even those who remain can help with establishing a relationship between this twon and the outside world. Balfe and Markle worked with Lonz to trade before, perhaps we could encourage them to begin the trade routes again.

We should also identify these magic items we discovered under the Grandwood, especially to see if any are evil. There is a great deal of coin here, and we are entitled to some, but perhaps most of it should go back to the town, once it establishes a new council, for rebuilding and establishing new services, etc."
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Re: Episode 21.5: Farweald Fallout ...

Post by EvilGenius »

Those are all good ideas, Jon. :) Some will be dealt with at a future date, some will be dealt with online before or after the next few adventures.

Once I get the rakshasa journals written up, they will shed some light on your future path regarding the portals, dragon, and Book of Infinite Souls.

Brigga can use her Wand of Magic detection to determine that the items that you recovered from your former companions, and the items recovered from underneath the Grandwood are not cursed. You spend some time with them and here is what you discover.

The Duelist’s Blade
Rapier (Guardian, Symbol of Power, Muttering, requires attunement)
This is a beautiful, excellently balanced rapier with an elaborate, mithril swept hilt. Near the base of the blade is the symbol of the House of Rax, royal house of the Great Kingdom, over crossed blades. This weapon was obviously carried by someone important in the royal house (investigation can reveal that it was carried by the royal weapon master).

What is also immediately obvious is that something, or someone, inhabits the blade. When wielded, or even just held, anyone within 5 feet can hear a low voice, constantly, urgently, and seemingly randomly, muttering fencing terms (2 block! Riposte! 5 block! Thrust! Lunge!).
If there is an attuned wielder, these mutterings actually warn of impending danger, granting a +2 bonus to initiative. Occasionally, the Blade will also mutter about various fiends and the best way to fight them, including their resistances and vulnerabilities.

Additionally, the spirit that inhabits the blade can assist it’s wielder in combat. The spirit has two d6 combat superiority dice, and knows the Combat Maneuvers Feint and Riposte. An attuned wielder can use the combat superiority dice to activate the known maneuvers, according to the rules in the Battlemaster archtype.

If the wielder has their own combat superiority dice, either from a class feature or a feat, they are separate from the Blade’s combat superiority dice, and do not interact with the Blade (ie, the wielder cannot use their own dice to power the Blade’s maneuvers, they cannot use the Blade’s dice to power other maneuvers they know, and the Blade’s dice are always d6).

The Blade’s combat superiority dice refresh after a short or long rest.
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Re: Episode 21.5: Farweald Fallout ...

Post by EvilGenius »

Ring of Protective Arcanum
(Very Rare, requires attunement by a wizard)

This finely wrought ring is made of platinum, with golden filigree, and sports a large, softly glowing sapphire. Putting on the Ring immediately makes you feel safe.

This ring is a great boon to wizards. An attuned wizard always has the Shield spell prepared, and this spell does not count against your prepared spell total. Additionally, a wizard can prepare two more spells than normal.

The attuned wizard gains a +1 bonus to their Armor Class, and can re-roll one saving throw. You can decide to re-roll after rolling the die but before learning the results of the roll. You regain the re-roll ability after a long rest.

Bracers of Wound Closure
(Uncommon, Require Attunement)
These strong steel bracers are covered with arcane runes, etched into the metal. Some of the etchings are dusted with crushed gemstones. It looks like the runes for protection and healing are the runes with the gemstones.
While you wear these bracers, you stabilize whenever you are dying at the start of your turn. In addition, whenever you roll a Hit Die to regain hit points, double the number of hit points it restores.
Last edited by EvilGenius on Sun Apr 07, 2019 12:32 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Episode 21.5: Farweald Fallout ...

Post by EvilGenius »

Sorcerer’s Heart
(Unique/Very Rare, Requires Attunement by a spellcaster)
This amulet is a large amber stone, in a delicate looking steel setting adorned with swirls that call to mind smoke or wind. As you pick it up, it feels decidedly warm to the touch. You almost drop the amulet in alarm after a moment when it seems to pulse, thump THUmp, like a beating heart!
You peer at the crystal closely but you can’t see anything strange. After another moment however, the strange double pulse happens again and you see tiny glittering strands shooting this way and that in the stone, only to immediately fade from view until the strange pulse happens again.
The Sorcerer’s Heart allows any spell caster to bend the rules of magic in the way that a sorcerer does. The Heart has 3 sorcery points. An attuned wearer can use the following Metamagic options just as a sorcerer; Distant Spell and Extended Spell.

If the attuned wearer is a sorcerer they can also use the sorcery points to create spell slots, though the sorcerer cannot convert their own spell slots into sorcery points to refill the Heart. Non-sorcerers cannot use the sorcery points in this manner.

The Sorcerer’s Heart regains any spent sorcery points after finishing a long rest.
Last edited by EvilGenius on Tue Apr 09, 2019 2:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Episode 21.5: Farweald Fallout ...

Post by EvilGenius »

Amulet of Infinity
(Very Rare)

All of the amulets are bronze and crimson enamel, roughly diamond shaped, with a large yellow stone in the center. There are magical glyphs and runes circling the central stone. The amulets taken from Balisar and Naziah have a large black spot in their yellow stone, and the stones look like they are damaged. The amulet taken from Miette has an intact stone, and there appears to be a small yellow light pulsing deep within the stone.
You have not fully examined this item, but based on observation, it is a one use item that drains the wearer's soul into the Book of Infinite Souls.
You have one unused amulet and two burned out amulets.
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Re: Episode 21.5: Farweald Fallout ...

Post by EvilGenius »

Ring of Spell Storing
(Rare, requires attunement)

This ring stores spells cast into it, holding them until the attuned wearer uses them. When found, it contains 1d6 - 1st levels of stored spells chosen by the DM. The ring can store up to 5 levels worth of spells at a time.

The Ring currently holds Legend Lore (cleric, 5th).

Any creature can cast a spell of 1st through 5th level into the ring by touching the ring as the spell is cast. The spell has no effect, other than to be stored in the ring. If the ring can't hold the spell, the spell is expended without effect. The level of the slot used to cast the spell determines how much space it uses.

While wearing this ring, you can cast any spell stored in it. The spell uses the slot level, spell save DC, spell attack bonus, and spellcasting ability of the original caster, but is otherwise treated as if you cast the spell. The spell cast from the ring is no longer stored in it, freeing up space.

Oh yeah, I knew I was forgetting something. You also found this is the creepy demon complex.

The Master's Chest It is empty.

The remaining tomes from Quirinseyru's collection. Apparently Servants of the Master went and retrieved them after the PCs were at Quirinseyru's stronghold.
Manual of Gainful Exercise
Manual of Quickness of Action
Tome of Understanding
Tome of Leadership and Influence

You also had this from before:

Mace of Wounding
(Mace +1, Very Rare, Requires Attunement)

This grim looking weapon appears to be crudely made from unrefined iron. The flanges have sharp, jagged, down-sweeping teeth, designed to rip flesh. The whole thing just looks dangerous and terrible.

Hit points lost to this weapon's damage can be regained only through a short or long rest, rather than by regeneration, magic, or any other means. Once per turn, when you hit a creature with an attack using this magic weapon, you can wound the target. At the start of each of the wounded creature's turns, it takes 1d4 necrotic damage for each time you've wounded it, and it can then make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw, ending the effect of all such wounds on itself on a success. Alternatively, the wounded creature, or a creature within 5 feet of it, can use an action to make a DC 15 Wisdom (Medicine) check, ending the effect of such wounds on it on a success.
Last edited by EvilGenius on Tue Apr 09, 2019 2:32 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Episode 21.5: Farweald Fallout ...

Post by EvilGenius »

Based on your day of putting out fires in town, you learn the following about Farweald after the Day of Fire.

1. The Grandwood was unaffected by the explosions as it did not have any of the Unbreakable Pottery (Hravja likely knew what was making it 'unbreakable').
2. The Invisibles were unaffected by the explosions as they did not have any Unbreakable Pottery (the Potter refused to sell to them because: prejudice).
3. The Mill was mostly unaffected as they had no need of Unbreakable Pottery. The Mill did suffer some secondary fire damage from other buildings around it.
4. The Central Market was devastated by multiple explosions and then the large battle that happened there. However, Basheem's large fancy scale survived (he was the money changer and you had determined a long time ago that his ornate scale was holy to Moqul).
5. Tinker's Rest was completely ruined by many explosions, their attendant fires, and the fire creatures released from captivity. The gnomish couple who ran the inn, Gellund and Irild Hodzik, were killed.
6. Forms in Wood - Master Illorg's carpentry shop was completely destroyed by the explosions and subsequent fires. Master Illorg handily slew the a salamander who was released in his shop.
7. Pef's Place - the PCs favorite place to stay in Farweald was completely destroyed in the explosions and fires. Several fire elementals were released who also destroyed part of the wooden palisade wall next to Pef's. Pef was killed defending his inn but his daughter, Julia, survived.
8. The Buzzsaw Tavern survived handily. Known as a rougher place, it did not have any Unbreakable Pottery because the patrons enjoyed breaking things as part of the 'ambiance'. The Buzzsaw is also close to the Cold River which runs through town.
9. The Wheel Inn was heavily damaged with multiple explosions and fires but is not a complete loss.
10. Ye Old Gaming House was completely destroyed with multiple explosions and fires. Also, the Gaming House is right on the Central Market, so it suffered some damage from the big fight.
11. Lolm's Livery was heavily damaged by fire from Tinker's Rest, which was across the street from the livery. Many horses were killed, but not all.
12. Haupt's Wonders was untouched by explosion or fires. The Unbreakable Pottery was far too 'low class' and ugly to be carried at Haupt's, and the building is made of sturdy brick. So even though building around Haupt's Wonders burned to the ground, Haupt's itself appears untouched.
13. Burt's Mundanities was untouched by explosion or fire. Burt thought Unbreakable Pottery was too 'high class' for his establishment, and he could never figure out how to purchase it anyway. There aren't any other building close enough to Burt's to have threatened it with fire, but everything is a little wet and moldy anyway so it is unlikely that it would have caught fire.
14. The Town Hall was damaged but not destroyed.
15. The Farweald Jail had several explosions within it and several fire creatures were released but the jail itself appears to be fireproof somehow, so it wasn't really damaged at all.
16. Feats in Clay, the potters shop right off of the Central Market, was utterly destroyed with many explosions and burned down several buildings next to it. Many creatures were released from the Potters shop which were defeated throughout the day by the various groups trying to save the town. The Potter, who sided with the Servants of the Master, was killed in the battle.
17. Ciande's Steeds, where the PCs bought their mounts, did not suffer any explosion damage but caught fire from several buildings around it and burned to the ground. However, Ciande (an elf), with others help, was able to save all of his horses.
18. Two Birds, the fletchers, who the PCs never visited because no one uses bows, was destroyed. There were a few explosions in the store itself and heavy fire damage from the creatures released from their pottery. The two half elves who ran the shop, Raeflyn Vyndal, known as “SureShot”, and her husband, Nivendor Vyndal, known as “RapidFire”, were both killed defending their neighbors from the creatures released in that part of town. The two half elves openly used quite a bit of magic in fighting the creatures, from what you gather, both arcane and divine magic.
Last edited by EvilGenius on Tue Apr 09, 2019 9:03 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Episode 21.5: Farweald Fallout ...

Post by EvilGenius »

Disposition of various Farweald Factions:

Government - the Council of Farweald, consisting of Councilors Wetis, Bern Haupt and Lemend Pelshyn, has been completely destroyed. Councilman Haupt was revealed to be the rakshasa, Hravja, who fled the big fight.
Constable Tierney is acting as a temporary town leader until a new Council can be chosen.

The Law - Constable Tierney, Deputy Hania, and Deputy Archibald all survived. Deputy Dunaric was killed in the big battle. Most guardsmen were revealed to be in league with the Servants of The Master, though they didn't know anything about The Master, himself. They were mostly just corrupted by bribes or hatred of the tiefling population. Most of these guardsmen were either killed in the battle or in the fires. Some survived, and switched sides when they saw who they were actually aligned with, and saw the tieflings rushing to save people in the Day of Fire.

The Tieflings - The tieflings suffered some losses in the Day of Fire, but mostly among those who had pledged themselves to Thosos and the Servants of the Master. The tieflings homes in the Invisibles were completely unaffected by the explosions and fires that ravaged the rest of town, and the tieflings gave shelter to many surviving townsfolk, all of whom were completely surprised at the very existence of the tieflings burrows.
Akriah and her 'returned/revaled' sister, Beltane, are the defacto leaders of the tiefling population of Farweald.
Akriah is revealed to be romantically involved with Constable Tierney.
Beltane is revealed to be a cleric of Trithereon and is the guardian of Quirinseyru's young son, Cyvos (a silver dragon wyrmling).

The Human Population - the largest population in Farweald has seen a very difficult day. Their longstanding superstitions against magic and tieflings have been proven to be fodder for the Servants of The Master. The oppressed underclass of tieflings helped save most of the town from the fires that ravaged Farweald. All of their leaders have been killed or revealed as traitors.

The Human population in Farweald is teetering. A strong leader could greatly influence them at this moment.

Balfhe and Markle are being recognized for valor in the big battle.

The Demihuman Population - There are notable demihumans throughout Farweald. The most prominent is the dwarven population, which fared pretty well following the Day of Fire. Noridur Hammerheart was revealed to be in league with the Servants of the Master, but his children, the Hammerheart Twins, convinced him to abandon the Servants once they revealed themselves and their agenda. Noridur was killed in the fight that followed.
Gimdriss Hammerheart, never one to hold her tongue, is currently serving as a spokesperson for the dwarven population in town.
Helar'ik Hammerheart is considering rejoining the Constabulary to honor the fallen Dunaric.
Master Illorg (dwarf) is emerging as a Hero of Farweald for his role in the big battle.
Master Anmreas (elf) is also being regarded as a Hero of Farweald for his role in the big battle.
Refelyn Vyndal and Nivendor Vyndal (1/2 elf) were killed fighting creatures released from the Unbreakable Pottery.
Gellund and Irild Hodzik, (gnomes) owners and proprietors of Tinker's Rest and beloved members of the Farweald community, were tragically killed by the creatures released from all of the Unbreakable Pottery they owned. Perhaps fittingly, Tinkers Rest was also utterly destroyed.
Another daring escape for the intrepid Spaceman Spiff!
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