Final Rest Allies

The current Blackrazor campaign.
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Final Rest Allies

Post by EvilGenius »

Here are a few allies that I'm going to recruit (in game this week hopefully). :)

4th Priest of Hieroneous, 7th Paladin
Member of the Invincibles Guild

Str 17
Dex 10
Con 12
Int 12
Wis 16
Chr 18

Extra Turning
Divine Vigor
Practiced Spellcaster
Glorious Weapon
Scribe Scroll


Full Plate +2, Sacred
Heavy Steel Shield +3, Ghost Touch
Battleaxe +1, Holy, Ghost Touch
Wand - Bless Weapon
Wand - Divine Favor
Wand - Cure Light Wounds
5 1st level (various)
4 2nd level (various)

Galaran is a respected member of the Invincibles Guild. He has led several forays into the Obsidan Maze, and has clashed with the Followers of the Skeletal Way more than a few times.

Galaran embodies many of the best aspects of his faith. He is courageous, noble, courteous and generous. He protects those he can and is an implacable foe of evil.

Currently, Galaran is in OB. He has been leading a squad of his guildmates on forays into the Pomarj, striking against the Orcs as often as he can, often teaming with the Knights of the Fist.

Post by EvilGenius »

Neutral Good
9th Level Fighter

Recently arrived, no affilations as of yet.

Str 16
Dex 15
Con 18
Int 10
Wis 14
Chr 10

Power Attack
Weapon Focus - Long Sword
Weapon Specialization - Long Sword
Great Cleave
Iron Will
Spring Attack
1 more ?

Circlet of Blasting - major
Mace, Heavy +2, Holy, Ghost Touch
Long Sword +2
Sacred Scabbard
Full Plate +2
Hv Steel Shield, Masterwork

Osgood has recently arrived in OB from the far east, in the Great Kingdom. His face is heavily scarred, and his hair is mostly premature grey. Osgood is closemouthed about his past.

Osgood's first stop in OB was the Temple of Pelor where he introduced himself and asked if they had any missions that could use a fighting man of good faith. Most of the time, he can be found around the Temple of Pelor.

Osgood is generally a pious man, eschewing alcohol and extravagant foods, or indeed, any of life's luxeries. He spends much time in contemplation and doing simple work for the Temple of Pelor.

Post by EvilGenius »

9th Cleric of Pholtus
Lawful Neutral (channels positive energy)
Member, Band of Pholtus

Str 14
Dex 12
Con 10
Int 10
Wis 15
Chr 14


Extra Turning
Sacred Vengence
Bull Headed
Iron Will
Spell Focus - Enchantment/Charm (for Command, Geas, etc)

Hv Mace +2, Spell Storing, Lawful
Half Plate +2, Blinding
Hv Steel Shield +2, Daylight
Wand - Blindness
Wand - Daylight (heighted to Lv 4)
Gem of Brightness
Boots of Speed

Gessrd is a member of the Band of Pholtus. He is stern and unyeilding. He views even other good aligned allies as only 1 step or incident away from utter depravity. Thus, he is always wary of even the staunchest allies. Gessrd is also convinced of the superiority of his own faith above all others. Like many who follow Pholtus, he is required to have a means to create light on his person at all times. He also believes that blindness is one of the worst punishments he can inflict upon enemies.
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Game tonight?

Post by jkundart »

So I'm still starved to see you guys, even if virtually. Is there a game
scheduled tonight? If so, any chance I can patch in?

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James Tiberius Kundart
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Re: Game tonight?

Post by NukeHavoc »

jkundart wrote:So I'm still starved to see you guys, even if virtually. Is there a game scheduled tonight? If so, any chance I can patch in?
Should be doable. I just got my powerbook back from being repaired, so I can do the video thing on my end. What time will you be on? We're looking to start around 8:15 p.m. EST

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